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Amy Frost

“Amy Frost lives in Charlotte with her husband, Matt, and two children. She is being treated at the Levine Center in Charlotte with consultations at Memorial Sloan Kettering in New York. Here is her story:


My initial diagnosis of triple negative breast cancer was in Aug 2017. The journey began in Sept 2017 with Chemo which proved to be very successful in my situation. Feb 2018 showed another success – bi-lateral mastectomy with no residual cancer. Then April 2018 began with a trip to the ER and a devastating new diagnosis – metastasis to the brain. So, my chest wall radiation became whole brain radiation. Fourteen treatments with another round of hair loss. Again though, prayers were answered. In June 2018, a follow-up MRI showed my brain mets had shrunk 90% by volume and my body CT and bone scans were still free of cancer.


50% of the time breast cancer crosses the blood brain barrier before chemo can damage the cells. Awareness is so important. I was only 9 months out from a clean physical exam and only 6 weeks out from my 40th birthday when I found my lumps. No family history, no genetic markers, no risk factors.


Cancer is not a word that is easy to hear. However, you still have a choice and I have chosen to move forward with hope, love, prayers, faith, strength, positive energy and optimism. All these things continually fueled by all of the wonderful people in my life. I currently have a diagnosis that is not curable, though it is treatable and maintainable. As I start the newest path in my journey, new medications, I am still full of hope and optimism, something I will not let cancer take from me or my family. I am thankful for my current outlook on life – enjoying every day especially those with my kids (age 8 and 5) and husband, not taking things for granted, and a greater appreciation of my relationships with family and friends.”

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